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Child Exploitation

Child Exploitation Language Guide | The Children’s Society 
When talking about children and exploitation, language matters. It can be the difference between a child being properly safeguarded or put at further risk of exploitation. The Children’s Society have developed this helpful guidance for professionals to better understand how the language used can impact decision making and engagement.

Adolescent Safeguarding

Adolescent Safeguarding in London is a practice handbook from LILA for everyone who works to build safety with young Londoners facing different types of harm in their lives.

Ending Gender-Based Violence

Tender are working with MOPAC to deliver the “Ending Gender-Based Violence Teacher Toolkit”, as part of the Mayor’s Office’s £1 million pledge to support London’s schools to tackle GBV.

The Teacher Toolkit is a free resource, developed to help schools facilitate important conversations with children and young people around GBV – whether in the classroom, in assemblies, or tackling challenging statements, such as misogyny or victim-blaming. The Toolkit contains information on GBV, plus activities and exercises to support lesson plans and help meet key elements of the RSE/PSHE curriculum. It can also support the vital safeguarding role of staff.

The Secondary Toolkit is available now.

The Primary Toolkit will soon be launched on the MOPAC website. To be notified, please email